Who knows, Kisas will be some kind of my starting point of being hijrah-ing. Oh no..it's not because of Kisas mainly actually..but its because of Allah's plan. Well, maybe, it can be the hikmah of doing istikharah too. Alhamdulillah, Allah had shown the best place for me.
But, I'm not saying that Imtiaz Kemaman is not good enough for me, but maybe the best place for me at this time being is Kisas. Yaah..I'm so grateful of given the chance to study in Imtiaz Kemaman before..although it's only 3 years and 2 month..not 5 years like other Imtiazians! Huhu..
I'm really really grateful of given chance to study there because in I-Kem, I've got to experience the hardship to remember Al-Qur'an, how I must put a lot of effort to remember it, beat my lazyness and sleepiness in musolla, close bond with ustazah tasmi' and teachers, heavenly dorm with eight sporting dorm-mates, and the main point is, I've got the chance to experience ukhuwah! And this point surely I dedicate to my own batch, Triggerzeit!
I always miss the memories with my friends. I felt the ukhuwah was really strong 'cos we are only 55 members. How little it is! 32 banat and 23 banin..such a unique number, right? Well, I don't know whether Triggerzeit still remember me and the other members who have move away. Looks like we have been disposed of their memories.
Hmm..well, it only remains 39 members now. It's became even lesser than before! Your bond must be even stronger, right? I miss the memories of Triggerzeit so much. Sometimes I will cry as looking at our past photos...Kem PT3, Kem BAK, Triggerzeit Grand Dinner, Sambutan Raya, and so on. It was uncountable! Pleasee, don't forget us here, and please, do invite us for batch occasions or event! How could you guys forget us and did not invite us for the trip to Perak recently? Oh my goodness! Well, maybe it was the first and last mistake you guys do to us, the 'ex-members'.
This post is not about Triggerzeit actually, but it's about my starting point of hijrah in Kisas. Well, the early time of being in Kisas was just normal...being happy with new friends. But it change 360 degree after I met a senior! She might looks ordinary if you don't know her, but she has something that's not everybody have. It's AKHLAK. You will 'see' this when you make friend with her.
Sure, her akhlak is very very good that when you are looking at her, looking her making good things, you feel of want to do good things too..you will feel calm even by looking at her face. Yeah..she's a very good person..enviously, she makes everyone around her feel comfort of her, whether it comes to her friends or her juniors. I can't story more about her here, because I'm afraid soon it'll be revealed who this person is. I'm always stalking her, yeah because I want to follow her akhlak. But I didn't tell her even once that she is my idol..hahaha.
Well, doesn't it make sense? I never experienced before of how someone in my life could be my reason of starting point of hijrah. Again, actually it's because Allah's plan and His hidayah..absolutely. But it was shown to me by someone who I didn't ever get to know before.
Hijrah is a sacrifice, and it is our choice, whether we want to take the way or not.
People say, hijrah is hard. But I say, sure, hijrah is hard, but, to istiqamah in hijrah is even harder!
Ya Allah, gives me strength to stay istiqamah in this way of hijrah!
Hari ni NR rasa terpanggil untuk post pasal bulan Ramadhan. Memandangkan 2 hari lagi kita akan menyambut tetamu kita yang teristimewa dan paling kita rindui, jadi NR nak share pasal
Ramadhan | Perspektif dan Persediaan.
"Perspektif? Mengapa Perspektif? Apa itu Perspektif?"
Usah ditanya apa makna perspektif...sebab NR bukan nak sentuh pasal perkataan perspektif, tapi NR nak share pasal keistimewaan Bulan Ramadhan, yang mana ia dapat mengubah perspektif iaitu cara pandang kita terhadap sesuatu.
Macam mana bulan Ramadhan boleh mengubah cara saya pandang sesuatu??
Baiklah 'thullab' sekalian, hayya nabda'!(Mari kita mulakan)
Baru-baru ni, 27/5/2016 , sebelum balik bercuti penggal, kami para pelajar Kisas menghadiri program ceramah di Musolla Saidatina Khadijah yang dipresent oleh Alkis sendiri. Apa itu Alkis? Alkis stands for Alumni Kisas ^_^ Beliau merupakan seorang motivator terkenal dan ada syarikat konsultan sendiri. NR sangat kagum dengan pencapaian beliau.
Tajuk ceramahnya sangat menarik dan memang 'kena' dengan post kali ni..;
MADRASAH RAMADHAN : Puasa Benteng Penguasaan Nafsu Ke Arah Mencapai Taqwa
By : Encik Sya'ari
NR pun memang nak share point2 yang NR dapat waktu ceramah tu kat sini..hehe :D
Moga bermanfaat untuk antum semua :)
"Bagaimana kamu memandang sesuatu, begitulah yang kamu akan dapat"
That's the muqaddimah.
Cuba tengok gambar kat bawah ni :
Apa antum nampak?
Nampak LAUT kan?
Baiklah, begini ceritanya...
Ada tiga sekawan yang berjumpa semula setelah 10 tahun tidak berjumpa. Masing-masing dengan kerjaya yang bagus. Mereka bercerita dan berbual tentang cerita2 zaman sekolah dulu sambil memandang ke laut yang terbentang luas di hadapan mereka.
Seorang kerja sebagai jurutera di pelantar minyak.
Seorang kerja sebagai pengurus hotel.
Seorang lagi kerja sebagai nelayan.
Oh rilek-rilek ye semua..NR bukan nak suruh banding kerjaya mana yg lagi bagus..
Kita tengok macam mana perspektif atau cara pandang 3 orang ni terhadap laut di depan mereka :-
Si jurutera fikir,
'Dalam laut ni mesti ada banyak petroleum. Aku kena kerahkan pekerja aku untuk gali minyak kat sini..'
Si pengurus hotel fikir,
'Laut ni sungguh cantik. Rasanya elok juga kalau aku bina hotel atas laut ini..'
Si nelayan pula fikir,
'Dalam laut ni mesti ada banyak ikan. Aku kena tangkap ikan kat sini..'
Nampak tak perbezaan perspektif mereka bertiga? Ketiga-tiganya ada perspektif yang berbeza terhadap laut yang sama..dan perspektif mereka tak salah!
Tapi, apa kaitan laut ni dengan bulan Ramadhan?
Yes, that's the point.
Apa perspektif kita terhadap bulan Ramadhan?
Adakah kita hanya memandang bulan ni sebagai bulan untuk berpuasa? Bulan untuk buat persiapan raya? Bulan untuk buat biskut macam-macam perisa? Bulan untuk tidur pada siangnya dan makan banyak-banyak pada malamnya?
Oh nononono...
Banyak keistimewaan bulan Ramadhan sebenarnya..bahkan keistimewaannya lebih daripada itu!
Jadi, jangan pandang Al-Qur'an sebagai BULAN PUASA SEMATA-MATA!
Okey kawan-kawan? ^_^
Let's move to the next chapter, PERSEDIAAN !
Apa persediaan yang antum dah buat?
Islah(perbaiki) diri kita sebelum Ramadhan tiba lagi...supaya bulan Ramadhan kali ni tak jadi sia-sia begitu sahaja. Semoga Ramadhan kali ni dapat kita manfaatkan sebaiknya untuk buat amal soleh banyak-banyak.
In shaa Allahu Ta'ala.
NR nak share satu gambar yang in shaa Allah dapat jadi tips untuk persediaan kita islah diri untuk hadapi bulan Ramadhan.
Credit to Encik Google.com
Akhir kata, NR nak mengucapkan, selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan dan BERAMAL SOLEH padanya.
Ingat, PUASA mendidik kita untuk BERISTIQAMAH dalam KETAQWAAN sehingga 11 bulan seterusnya, bukan hanya di bulan RAMADHAN semata-mata!
لا تكونواْ رمضانيّون ولكن كونواْ رباّ نيّون
Maksudnya : Jangan jadi hamba Ramadhan, tetapi jadilah hamba Tuhan(Allah).